Dangerous Sedative Found in Fentanyl Samples

Dangerous Sedative Found in Fentanyl Samples
April 26, 2023

Amounts of xylazine, a powerful veterinary-grade sedative, are being found in toxicology reports from around the state as heroin and fentanyl opioid overdoses continue to climb.

Unlike heroin and fentanyl, which are opioids, xylazine alone cannot cause a fatal overdose by itself.

And since it’s not an opioid, it does not respond to the overdose reversal drug naloxone, or Narcan.

Like most law enforcement in the state, first responders and paramedics won’t know if they’re dealing with xylazine, in addition to fentanyl or heroin, until an autopsy is complete and a toxicology report is returned.

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