Maryland Governor Says He Does Think Former President Trump Should Run Again

July 13, 2022

Possible Republican 2024 Presidential candidate Maryland Governor Larry Hogan saying on Good Morning NH he does not think Former President Donald Trump should run again.

“I don’t know if he will run or not.  I think it’s a 50/50 chance, but I am thinking he will most likely not run.  He is still a major player and he likes to be the center of attenton but I don’t think he’s going to run”, Hogan told Jack Heath.   “I think we need to move on, whether you like Trump or not, Biden promised to bring the country together again, but we are more divided than ever.  I think Trump running again would exacerbate the problems and I am not sure it would be successful presidency”.

Hogan is wrapping up a two-day swing through New Hampshire, sparking speculation about a possible presidential run in 2024.

When asked if he is planning a run for the White House he said in part, “I promised Maryland I will finish the current job I am in, it’s still two years away, I am focusing on the midterms.”