NH Public Safety Career Fair This Weekend

NH Public Safety Career Fair This Weekend
May 5, 2022

NH Law Enforcement officials appearing on Good Morning New Hampshire to promote the upcoming Public Safety Career Fair.

“It’s a statewide fair.  It focuses on public safety, more than 20 agencies will be represented, it’s a free event.  If you ever considered a job in public safety this is the event for you”, Trooper Nicole Stone said.

The fair will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 7, at the NH Police Standards and Training facilty in Concord.

“If you like swinging axes, sleeping on the ground, and have common sense,  I don’t deal with politics, I deal with trees”, Captain Michael Matson of NH Forest and Lands said joking on the Pulse of New Hampshire.

Representatives from the Army National Guard, Marine Patrol, and Office of the State Fire Marshal will also be at the fair.

“The job is both mentally and physically challenging”, District Chief Shana Clark of the NH Fire Marshal’s Office said.

If you would more information you can contact Trooper Nicole Stone. Nicole.J.Stone@dos.nh.gov

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