Opioid Overdoses Nearing Pre-pandemic Levels; Stawasz Says Fentanyl Is In Just About Everything

Opioid Overdoses Nearing Pre-pandemic Levels; Stawasz Says Fentanyl Is In Just About Everything
April 13, 2022

American Medical Response Regional Director saying on Good Morning New Hampshire opioid overdoses are nearing pre-pandemic levels in at least the state’s two largest cities.

“Fentanyl is in just about everything.  It’s very dangerous.  It’s now more important than ever to focus on prevention and treatment”, Chris Stawasz said.

According to Stawasz, Manchester had 55 suspected overdoses last month, which is 11 more than February.  Deaths in the city are now at 15 for the year.

In Nashua, suspected overdoses fell by seven to twelve.   The city also seeing one death in March, brining the total to 15.

“Sadly, we think that’s okay. That it’s only that number.   It’s much higher than it should be.   It’s an incredible strain on our resources.

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