Potential Candidate In 2024 In NH; Campaigning With Congressional Candidate Mowers

Potential Candidate In 2024 In NH; Campaigning With Congressional Candidate Mowers
April 4, 2022

Former South Carolina governor and ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley returns to New Hampshire to campaign for Republican Congressional Candidate Matt Mowers.

In a live interview on Good Morning New Hampshire, Haley who’s considered a potential 2024 GOP presidential candiate telling Jack Heath she will not make a decision on whether or not to run until after the midterm elections.

“If we don’t win in 2020, there is no 2024”, Haley said.

Mowers, who is looking to unseat Democrat Rep. Chris Pappas, called on him to condemn more than $3 million in future advertisements backed by Pelosi’s dark money.

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