Remember 9/11, Honor Those Who Serve and Protect Us

Remember 9/11, Honor Those Who Serve and Protect Us
September 10, 2021

This year is the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, we remember the sorrow of that day but also the dedication, commitment, and strength of those who responded.

On a special edition of ‘Good Morning NH’ we honor those who served in the War on Terror, and 93 New Hampshire residents who gave all.

Retired Commander Navy SEAL Team 6 Harry Bologna talked to Jack Heath and Phil Taub from his hospital room at Walter Reed Hospital.

Bologna described how 9/11 affected his career and the advice he would give to anyone overcoming adversity in the face of a catastrophic event.

His wife, Julie Bologna, says there is no playbook to be the spouse of a Navy SEAL, the advice she would give to another spouse.

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