Wreaths Across NH

Wreaths Across NH
October 20, 2021

A chance for NH communities to come together and honor veterans who have passed.

A number of cities and towns are taking part in Wreaths Across NH on Saturday, December 11.

2020 brought 2,000 wreaths to Dover, Barrington, Rollinsford, Madbury and New Durham.

127 Volunteers showed up last year to assist including recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor, Ryan Pitts.

In 2021, we hope to lay 3,000 wreaths and increase the number of towns honoring those veterans.

This is NOT part of Wreaths Across America.

This is a NH created and a NH based organization that expands the great works of other communities including those NH communities served by WAA.

Wreaths can be purchased for $15.  https://buytickets.at/nhhba/597996
Event:  December 11th at 10am, Pine Hill Cemetery Dover  rain, snow or shine

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