Free Historic House in Rye

Free Historic House in Rye
February 28, 2024

A historic farmhouse with wide pine floors, raised paneled doors, wooden wainscoting and antique hardware is available for free, if you can move it.

In today’s market, a free house can seem too good to be true.

In some ways, it is since the house needs to be disassembled, moved, and reassembled.

The unique opportunity through the Rye Advocates for Historic House Preservation arose when the new owners decided they didn’t want to demolish the historic house, but they don’t want to live in it, either.

The owner, who acquired the property in June, wants to build further back on the lot and is looking for the existing home to be removed by the end of the summer.

If you are interested in owning this historic home, contact Rye New Hampshire Town Historian Alex Herlihy at

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