GOP Moves to Change Strafford County Election. Dems Call it ‘Gerrymandering at its Worst’

GOP Moves to Change Strafford County Election. Dems Call it ‘Gerrymandering at its Worst’
May 21, 2023

Republican state Senator Jim Gray of Rochester is backing House Bill 75, which recently passed the state Senate, and calls for changing the way Strafford County commissioners are elected.

Democrats locally and at the state level are objecting, saying the legislation amounts to an out-of-turn attempt by Republicans at gerrymandering ahead of the next election.

Redistricting of voting maps happens nationally every 10 years, following the once-a-decade Census.

Gray helped lead that process in New Hampshire last year with Republicans in majority control of the Senate, House and governor’s office.

No changes were made to Strafford County commissioner election at that time.

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