Governor Sununu Criticizes NH Congressional Delegation, Says He Hasn’t Ruled Out Challenging Hassan

Governor Sununu Criticizes NH Congressional Delegation, Says He Hasn’t Ruled Out Challenging Hassan
December 22, 2020
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New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu continued his criticism of Washington lawmakers, accusing them putting their party over their constituents in the time leading up to the passage of a new stimulus bill. Sununu also said he has not ruled out a run for Senate.

On Twitter this weekend, Sununu voiced his disappointment in lawmakers receiving the COVID vaccine ahead of some others, calling it “outrageous and insulting.” Tuesday morning on Good Morning New Hampshire with Jack Heath, Sununu was critical of New Hampshire’s congressional delegation and their handling of coronavirus relief legislation.

“I don’t think they’re doing a good job at all,” he said.

“They sit on their hands and do nothing for eight months, and the one thing they’ve done is finally pass a relief bill that none of them have actually read. You’ve got a job to do and you need to do the work.”

When asked if he is considering challenging Democrat Senator Maggie Hassan for her seat in 2022, Sununu said he is not ruling it out.

“But going down to Washington to be part of that mess is nothing I’d look forward to right now,” he said.

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