Granite Staters Asked to Share Stories About Social Media’s Negative Impact on Young People

Granite Staters Asked to Share Stories About Social Media’s Negative Impact on Young People
June 28, 2023

Officials are stepping up efforts to investigate social media’s negative effects on young Granite Staters’ mental health.

Attorney General John Formella announced his office wants to hear from people who’ve seen social media affect the mental health of loved ones, especially young people.

Governor Chris Sununu has joined the effort, he signed an executive order in June requiring state agencies to help students and parents better understand and protect themselves from the harmful effects of social media use.

Formella’s office is asking people to share experiences of social media’s negative impacts on a young person by emailing that information to

People are encouraged to share their name, contact information, age of the person impacted, a brief summary of what they have seen, and the social media platform(s) involved.

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