Kittery Man Pleads Guilty to Breaking Into Seabrook Home With Ax

Kittery Man Pleads Guilty to Breaking Into Seabrook Home With Ax
July 9, 2023

A man who police said broke into a home in Seabrook with an ax while under the influence of meth will be spending at least two years and four months in prison after pleading guilty to the crime.

Joshua Pelletier, 31, of Kittery, Maine, pleaded guilty June 28 at Rockingham Superior Court to one count of criminal mischief and possession of a controlled drug as part of a negotiated plea deal.

A judge handed down a sentence of two years and four months to six years in prison.

Pelletier will be required to participate in drug and alcohol treatment and counseling, and pay restitution of uninsured losses to the victim, capped at $5,780.

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