New Drunk Driving Law Could Impose Life Sentence For Third Offense

New Drunk Driving Law Could Impose Life Sentence For Third Offense
August 19, 2021

“My son mattered, his life mattered,” says Beth Shaw on Good Morning NH with Jack Heath.

A bill enhancing penalties on repeat drunk drivers who injure or kill others was signed into law by Governor Chris Sununu, naming it after Tyler Shaw.

The bill permits judges to offer longer jail sentences for someone who has already had a DWI conviction if they harm or kill someone in the second offense.

The bill’s sponsor says in cases of a third offense, a life sentence can be imposed.

“It was not an easy bill,” Governor Sununu said. The bill was fueled by Shaw who lost her son in April of 2018 in Bow, after a drunk driver ran the stop sign and crashed into a vehicle carrying her son.

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