New Hampshire Renters Cost-Burdened by Higher Rates than Homeowners

New Hampshire Renters Cost-Burdened by Higher Rates than Homeowners
September 24, 2024

New U.S. Census Bureau data from the 2023 American Community Survey revealed that New Hampshire’s renters continue to be cost-burdened by housing expenses.

State-level data show renters in New Hampshire have lower median incomes and are more likely to be burdened by housing costs than homeowners.

Renters are more likely to be younger, to live in older housing units than owners, to be Granite Staters of color, and to have fewer years of formal education.

Trends since 2021 suggest that renter median incomes are growing at slower rates than homeowner incomes, which may further contribute to income inequality between Granite Staters who own their homes compared to those who do not.

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