NH Health Officials: Recall Ordered for Lef Farms’ ‘Spice’ Salads Amid E. Coli Concerns

NH Health Officials: Recall Ordered for Lef Farms’ ‘Spice’ Salads Amid E. Coli Concerns
May 7, 2023

State health officials are putting the word out that selected salad packages available for sale in New Hampshire are now being recalled.

Authorities say the recall affecting packages of Loudon-grown Lef Farms’ ‘spice’ packaged salad greens that may be contaminated with E. coli.

The packaged items, which show a ‘best-by’ date of May 5th, 2023, were sold throughout New England and parts of New York state.

Customers who bought the recalled product reportedly are asked to snap a photo of the item or bring a receipt to their store for a full refund.

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