Pappas Disagrees with Biden on Student Debt

Pappas Disagrees with Biden on Student Debt

Senator Maggie Hassan is standing by President Joe Biden’s college debt bailout plan, but Congressman Chris Pappas of NH’s First District is taking a pass. The two-term congressman has been a loyal Biden supporter, including a vote for the original $5 trillion “Build Back Better” reconciliation bill, but Pappas does not agree with  the president’s student debt proposal. Pappas, speaking with the Pulse of New Hampshire this morning on Good Morning New Hampshire, said the announcement by President Biden is no way to make policy and sidesteps Congress and its oversight and fiscal responsibilities. 

Congressman Pappas went on to say that any plan to address student debt should go through the legislative process, and it should be more targeted and paid for so it doesn’t add to the deficit. 

The Congressman says the underlying issue is really the affordability of higher education and that the high cost of college continues to limit opportunities available to students. 

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