Pompeo Weighs in on Afghanistan Withdrawal, Political Future

Pompeo Weighs in on Afghanistan Withdrawal, Political Future
August 30, 2021

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo weighing in on the situation in Afghanistan, discussing his prior efforts to establish a successful exit strategy when he served under the Trump administration.
“The Biden Administration showed no leadership”, Pompeo said on the Good Morning NH.
The U.S. military has flown more desperate evacuees out of the Afghan capital in the waning hours of a final American withdrawal.
“It’s deeply un-American to leave behind any Americans in Afghanistan”, Pompeo told Jack Heath.
In discussing his political future, Pompeo indicated his focus is on campaigning for candidates ahead of next year’s midterm elections.
“We are out making sure President Biden’s team doesn’t own both levers in congress in January of 2023,” he said.

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