Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Bus Service May Ease Traffic

Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Bus Service May Ease Traffic
August 24, 2023

A bus service for Portsmouth Naval Shipyard employees working the 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. shift may launch next spring, bringing workers from Sanford and other locations.

Local and regional leaders see it as a solution to traffic congestion in Kittery’s Foreside, but some wonder if shipyard workers will be interested in riding the bus.

Expanding transportation and adding housing for shipyard workers are two biggest areas of focus for leaders involved with the Joint Land Use Study.

Hundreds of shipyard workers surveyed by JLUS have said commuting to the yard on Seavey Island is difficult due to heavy traffic leading up to the entrance gates and on the base.

There are upwards of 8,000 combined civilian shipyard workers, active military personnel and contractors on the base on any given workday, according to shipyard officials.

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