Portsmouth Neighbors Say Loss of Shortcut Puts Residents in Danger

Portsmouth Neighbors Say Loss of Shortcut Puts Residents in Danger
November 30, 2023

Joni Lane is one of a large group of Hillside Drive residents seeking help to reopen a neighborhood short-cut through the ABC buildings to Lafayette Road.

‘The residents of Hillside Drive are deeply concerned about our ability to safely leave our neighborhood since the pass through at the ABC buildings was fenced off without warning over Labor Day weekend,’ Lane said.

Signs have also been posted warning people not to trespass or face prosecution.

Because of the decision to erect the fence that blocks the shortcut that residents say has been used for 50 years, children and others must walk up Greenleaf Avenue, where there is only a sidewalk on one side of the road, before heading to Portsmouth High School, Portsmouth Middle School and other locations.

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