Portsmouth Places Barriers Around Building as City Clashes with Owner

Portsmouth Places Barriers Around Building as City Clashes with Owner
July 17, 2024

Amid an ongoing legal dispute city officials announced Monday they are ‘closing the sidewalks and travel lanes abutting the property of 278 State St.’ site of the 1850 Daily Times building.

Portsmouth officials cited ‘an abundance of caution’ for placing barriers around the building that was damaged in a 2017 fire that destroyed State Street Saloon, remaining vacant since.

Building owner Peter Floros sent a recent letter to the City Council stating the structure is dangerous and must be demolished to protect public safety as he seeks to redevelop the property.

Portsmouth’s Historic District Commission has declined to allow the building to be demolished, a decision Floros and his attorney have argued puts aesthetics over safety.

Floros in 2023 lost a bid in Superior Court to overturn the Historic District Commission’s decision.

Portsmouth City Attorney Susan Morrell recently stated Floros is effectively executing ‘demolition by neglect’ rather than respecting the court’s decision.

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