Portsmouth Restaurant Unveils ‘Gronk Smash Burger’ Challenge, Offering Free Swag to Anyone Who Finishes

Portsmouth Restaurant Unveils ‘Gronk Smash Burger’ Challenge, Offering Free Swag to Anyone Who Finishes
February 12, 2019


How hungry do you have to be to eat a cheeseburger consisting of six patties and bacon plus a whole order of fries? If you’re up to the challenge, The Goat in downtown Portsmouth will reward you with some free swag.

It’s called the Gronk Smash Burger, named of course after Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski. If you can finish the burger and fries, you get a Goat hat, hoodie, and flannel. And they’ll give you the burger for free.

If you don’t quite have the appetite for the Gronk, there’s plenty of other burgers on their menu, including my favorite, the Fatty Melt. It’s two burgers topped with macaroni and cheese and bacon.

If you’re looking for a different kind of Portsmouth restaurant and bar experience, head to The Goat on Congress Street. It’s a throwback to a few years ago that Portsmouth wasn’t as built up as it is now, and a place that a local could go and not break the bank on a good meal.

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