Seacoast Holiday Happenings

The Greater Dover Chamber of Commerce’s Festival of Trees is an annual holiday event featuring 35 trees and six wreaths elaborately decorated by local organizations that are auctioned and raffled off. The event kicks off Friday December 6th from 4-8pm at the Rivermill at Dover Landing in Downtown Dover. For more information, log on to
The Somersworth Festival Association is hosting its 31st annual Holiday Craft Fair with more than 175 artisans offering unique wood crafts, acrylic and pottery items, candles, paintings, gnomes, primitive decor, mugs, tote bags, snowmen, wind chimes, kids’ items, doll clothes, jewelry, and food, as well as sewn, knitted, and crocheted items. The event takes place Saturday December 7th from 9am to 3pm at the Somersworth High School.
Let it Glow is the theme for Portsmouth’s illuminated holiday parade and tree lighting Saturday, Dec. 7. The parade can be viewed in Market Square and on Congress, Islington and Pleasant streets, stepping off from Islington Street/Summer Street at 6 p.m. Prior to the parade, at 5:30 p.m. is the annual tree lighting ceremony.