Survey: 1 In 4 Homes on The Market in NH Priced at $1M or More

Survey: 1 In 4 Homes on The Market in NH Priced at $1M or More
July 8, 2024

Nearly 1 in 4 homes for sale in New Hampshire last month are on the market with at least a million-dollar price tag.

That’s the word from real estate pros in the Granite State, who say more than 110 communities in the Granite State posted at least one seven-figure sale last month.

Going back a decade, experts say, about one in 25 homes cost a million bucks or more.

Five years later, that ratio had dropped to one in 11.

In today’s market, with the current seven to seven-and-a-half percent interest rate, a buyer would need 300 grand in yearly income just to qualify for a 30-year note on a million-dollar home.

To put that figure into perspective, the state’s current median income comes in at less than a third of that total.