Burning Calories At The Batting Cages; Is It A Good Workout?

July 13, 2022

Hitting the batting cage may seem straightforward, you hit the ball as hard as you can and aim for the back of the cage, right?

We tested out that theory as we took Your Health on a road trip to Mel’s Funpark in Litchfield, and we found out it was much hard than just putting a token in and waiting for the ball.

“You put a lot of physical energy into hitting that ball, it does require a lot of skills”, Health Contributor Gerry Blaze said.   “Nailing that ball does put a lot of physical shock on the body”.

Swinging a baseball bat is a total-body exercise.  You move the bat with the your arms and shoulders, gain power from your legs and rotate your core.

“When it comes to batting cages, you really do need to have some physical endurance.  I struggled hitting those pitches, it’s a different sort of physical activity”, Korie Eiles said.   “My arms were killing me after the second round”.

We also hit the green for 18 holes on a smaller scale, mini-golf!   “This is certainly something for every age group, you burn calories while having some fun”, Blaze said.

An average person can burn up to 300 calories per game, but everyone benefits from burning off energy and having a good time.

“We saw alot of age groups, I had a great time”, Gerry said. http://Blazebodyz.weebly.com

There was only one hole in one on this game, Coach Blaze took the win on this one.

Coach Blaze has set up his business at Salem Athletic Club in Salem.  https://salemathleticclub.com/

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