Former Strafford County Sheriff Pleads Guilty

Former Strafford County Sheriff Pleads Guilty

Former Strafford County Sheriff Mark Brave has pleaded guilty to multiple felony charges in connection with his conduct as a law enforcement officer and a public official, including Class B Felony Theft by Deception, Class B Felony Falsifying Physical Evidence, and two charges of Class B Felony Perjury for lying to a Grand Jury.

Brave was arrested in August of 2023 after investigators said he misused county funds for personal gain and lied about it.

Under the terms of the plea agreement, Brave will have to pay close to 19-thousand dollars in restitution back to Strafford County. Two separate multi-year prison sentences on charges of theft and falsifying physical evidence are being suspended pending good behavior.

Brave could still face a possible sentence of 7 to 14 years on perjury charges.

Official sentencing will take place in 90 days in Strafford County Superior Court.

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