Former U.S. Senator Says He Is Not Running for U.S. Senate in 2022

November 11, 2021

“I am not running, I have another rodeo.  I am going to help Gail become the next Congresswomen”, Former Ambassador and Senator Scott Brown told Good Morning New Hampshire.

Gail Huff Brown is among a handful of Republicans running  for Congress.

He told Jack Heath all the candidates in the field are good people and he commends anyone who is running.

When asked what separates Gail Huff Brown from any other candidate, he said in part, “Gail has had many opportunities in her life, working and paying taxes for decades, life opportunities serving as a diplomat for four years, 30 years as an investigative journalist, we have not missed an election since we moved to Rye, New Hampshire.  She has raised a family, cared for an buried loved one, and she understands the value of a dollar.”

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