Gail Singer Memorial Blood Drive

April 12, 2018.
Blood Donation
Fairfax Blood Donation Center
Fairfax, Virginia
Pictured: American Red Cross blood donor sponge ball
Blood donor squeezes an American Red Cross sponge ball while dontating blood at the Fairfax, Virginia Blood Donation Center.
Photo by Michelle Frankfurter for the American Red Cross.
Roll up your sleeve and help save lives!
Today is the 40th Annual Gail Singer Memorial Blood Drive, and throughout its 40-year history this drive has collected 25,000 pints of life-saving blood.
Every two seconds someone in this country needs blood, and New Hampshire needs to collect 165 pints a day to meet patient demand.
Donate today…download the Red Cross Blood app, make an appointment at red-cross-blood-dot-org, or call 800-RED-CROSS and use the code SINGER.