NH DOT Alerts Customers of Smishing Scam

NH DOT Alerts Customers of Smishing Scam

The New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) was advised of a smishing scam that is targeting New Hampshire residents with text messages requesting individuals to click on a link to settle outstanding toll amounts. NH E-ZPass will never send text messages requesting payment for tolls with late fees.

The texts appear to be from “EZ- Pass” and center around urgent requests with your account that would result in “excessive fees” or “potential legal action” if the balance does not get settled. DO NOT click on the link, it is not a legitimate website.  Similar scams have been reported by toll agencies across the country over the past several months.

Customers who receive an unsolicited text, email, or similar message suggesting it is from the NH Turnpike or another toll agency should not click on the link.

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